#bobross statistics generated by @AlliOnTwitch

Statistics generated from Monday 23 Nov 2015 to Tuesday 24 Nov 2015
During this 2-day reporting period a total of 26179 people visited #bobross

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Daily chat activity



Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24

When's the best time to chat in #bobross?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Activity Statistics

  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Mangomosh232 223 "so many layers NotLikeThis"
2 AdmiralGreene 198 "Listen to the stream?"
3 almightypainter 197 "Super Steve. Lol a dirty letter lol"
4 func door 186 "end of the hour lads"
5 Evnot911 168 "WutFace RUINED WutFace"
6 Bitgod79 164 "MODS: pls fix my subscriber icons! Thanks!!"
7 valchoir 150 "wouldn't the wheel go the OTHER direction?"
8 bakedpotato12 149 "SELLOUT"
9 SNORTIN WHISKEY 145 "i dont have enough weed, to last another bridge episode"
10 swamp CHristmas 144 "I've never seen bob paint anything round except the sun"
11 IMadeYouRead This 142 "NICE AND WET Kreygasm"
12 shroomfive 140 "Kreygasm welcome back FeelsgoodMan"
13 Doujins 137 "No, it's live. Kappa"
14 Bezzay 134 "super friends in florida"
15 HofsCast 130 "it's always a good day when you paint bobrossHappy bobrossOPKnife"
16 blushda 130 "bobrossTap bobrossTap"
17 BestCzechYoSeLf 124 "NotLikeThis RUINED NotLikeThis"
18 madbomberino 123 "bobrossFan bobrossFan bobrossFan"
19 Cwosont 120 "bobrossRUI bobrossMeta bobrossNED"
20 wateringcan23 114 "I wish I had unlimited time"
21 Legendarysnake 110 "press 346109365 if you love bob"
22 Kerbal Spy 106 "is that a tree or a BBC?"
23 LastNameCharles 103 "Black Friday Bunduru"
24 kaptin darling1 103 "dont be afraid becuz its big"
25 Flannelpower 102 "I really want to watch him paint but hey's too ADD for me"
26 Lokerobster 100 "here to get my bob fix"
27 BronySAF 98 "Everybody hype for the MLP season 5 finale? 4Head"
28 NotCubone 97 "Bob, you should learn to paint building DansGame"
29 xxxxMoonxxxxx 96 "Hello @grtnd my old friend"
30 todayness1 93 "OSfrog FROG LYFE OSfrog"
31 OrcLogic 93 "@Blahblahchicken yes! VaultBoy"
32 Mikey129 93 "You can't mix yellow orchre and Magic white"
33 etothepi 93 "bobrossBeli bobrossEve bobrossEve"
34 kbbq 92 "quit playing games with my heart BibleThump"
35 disneygirl55 92 "bobrossCloud bobrossCloud bobrossCloud"
36 Notrarepepe 91 "Wet Slick, and ready to go Kreygasm"
37 D4ngerousd4ve 91 "Kappa + KappaPride = KappaRoss"
38 apparentlyleopard 91 "more like yellow ogre"
39 +Roudydogg1 91 "darker darker darker"
40 SlothMusic 89 "bobrossBeli bobrossEve bobrossCloud bobrossCloud"
41 Regiruler 87 "person hype PogChamp"
42 astralunicorn 86 "i'm not really feeling this one either but hey, that's how it goes sometimes...."
43 unholyrebel 84 "Only 9000 people are watching this?"
44 xobu04 83 "cumback israel PogChamp"
45 Bookieson 83 "POLL: Saved or ruined?"
46 redlobsterino 82 "NO THANK YOU BOB BibleThump"
47 Beliskner85 82 "bobrossCloud bobrossCloud"

These people wrote less than 80 lines:
Keredau (78) xlSpecktralx (77) +Cyrez (75) NEWagePulse (74) momluvsart (74) Hiexie (74)
TurtIe77 (73) Radiogu (73) CrazyArse (73) Spindaftw (72) Rillip3 (72) Robbierr (71)
GRCT (71) Yuri53122 (70) MrSwagnificent77 (70) fuscia13 (70) jadadada1998 (68) Zephroskash (67)
MrDestreza (67) Cypher0999 (66) xo4n (65) EricInc (65) britmetalqueen (65) Powdersock (63)
kingsixstring (63) TitaniumBRO (62) cstel987 (62) Annonn140 (62) %+Wolfyy (62) skelei (61)
SwGott (60) Stephanie122 (60) amandapampena (60) 420bakin (60) saikyo1080p (59) Eviam19 (59)
Dicksinorbit (59) bob bob bob001 (59) Specialteafrost (58) FoxyGrandpa219 (58) Droppz (58) crow4ever (57)
theawesomegamer4554 (56) Phluttershai (56) funkygrump (56) Anonymous fodder69 (56) vincetoxicum (55) Rycca (55)
TruMrBeastman (54) shehoggrah (54) Jayari9 (54) elephantshrew2016 (54) DarthAttrition (54) stikeer (53)
pavlosrigas (53) ionONE (53) Dreadnought1291 (53) %+^XanBot (53) Nornoc (52) Lowchen19 (52)

The remaining 26072 nicks didn't talk that much...

Time of day stats

(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1fuscia13 - 56
K9kroz - 18
madbomberino - 123
AdmiralGreene - 197
2astralunicorn - 48
BestCzechYoSeLf - 18
almightypainter - 123
Evnot911 - 158
3+Roudydogg1 - 48
Jivkaa - 17
Flannelpower - 97
4TrueShoes - 47
almightypainter - 17
BestCzechYoSeLf - 92
Bitgod79 - 130
5Mangomosh232 - 47
Baldkiwi - 16
Kerbal Spy - 91
Mangomosh232 - 110
6%+Wolfyy - 45
buttstuffer42069 - 15
NotCubone - 87
bakedpotato12 - 101
7shroomfive - 43
Madtrip0d - 14
SlothMusic - 84
shroomfive - 97
8OrcLogic - 38
ohhidereagain - 13
swamp CHristmas - 83
func door - 96
9Mikey129 - 38
MrNuclearPsychopath - 13
Bezzay - 83
LastNameCharles - 91
10xlSpecktralx - 37
Meludan - 13
xobu04 - 78
Regiruler - 87

#bobross relation map

#bobross relation map generated by mIRCStats v1.25
• Line thickness corresponds to the relation strength
• Line colors show the relation importance for each nick
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